Questions about magic truffles
Despite what the name suggests, magic truffles are not actually truffles or mushrooms. They are more like an underground treasure, growing as a solid mass between the root threads under the soil. These special appearances, like mushrooms, contain psilocybin – the magical ingredient that provides an enchanting trip experience.
Many people think that magic mushrooms are stronger in potency and effect than magic truffles, but research shows that both contain approximately the same amount of psilocybin – the psychoactive compound responsible for the trip effects. Some theories state that magic truffles are slightly weaker than magic mushrooms. One of these is that psilocybin is more evenly distributed in magic truffles. In addition, it can be more difficult to weigh and dose mushrooms, so the person may ingest more psilocybin than expected when using mushrooms. Another theory is that magic truffles contain more psilocybin than magic mushrooms. Another theory as to why magic truffles appear weaker is that truffles are usually pre-packaged (including instructions) and carefully weighed for a more accurate dosage, allowing them to be consumed in a more responsible manner.
The first thing you might notice about mushrooms and truffles is that they look very different. Mushrooms look like typical mushrooms with a stem and a ‘cap’, while magic truffles are smaller and rounder and can be quite hard and compact; they almost look like small stones or nuts. Funnily enough, mushrooms and magic truffles come from the same organism. Magic mushrooms grow above the ground and are easily visible to the eye; magic truffles grow underground. Magic truffles must be dug up to harvest them, while magic mushrooms can be picked above ground.
Truffles are sold legally throughout the Netherlands (including Amsterdam). They can be found in smart shops in the cities and can also be ordered online from all kinds of providers. However, magic mushrooms are illegal to sell or consume in the Netherlands, even though they contain exactly the same psychoactive substance as truffles. In some countries, magic mushrooms are legal, decriminalized or tolerated for personal use. On Wikipedia you will find an overview of countries and states where you can check the legality of psilocybin-containing mushrooms.*
*Please note that information may not always be updated and laws may be subject to change.
The most important question when determining the correct dosage is: should I use mushrooms or truffles fresh or dried? Mushrooms are usually consumed dried, while magic truffles are almost always taken fresh. This is an important difference, because when consumed fresh you take approximately 3 times as much as when consumed dried.
The next question you need to ask yourself is: Do I want a mild, moderate, or intense tripping experience?
- A mild trip is anything between 0.5 and 1.5 grams of dried mushrooms.
- An average or normal trip is anything between 1.5 and 2.5 grams.
- Anything above 2.5 grams is considered a high dose and will provide intense effects.
When using fresh truffles, multiply the above numbers by 3.
The intensity of the effects of magic mushrooms and truffles are different for everyone and can be influenced by, among other things, body weight and sensitivity to psilocybin. It is always a good idea to start with a low dose first and familiarize yourself with the effects and feelings that arise during the experience in a safe set and setting.At Next Level we sell a variety of fresh magic truffles for you to choose from! We also offer mushroom growing kits so you can grow your own mushrooms. Growing your own mushrooms is a beautiful process to see and will give you a good harvest of home-grown magic mushrooms. But if this is not for you or you do not have room for this, you can choose from our wide selection of fresh magic truffles.
Do you want to start microdosing? Then you must know what you are doing. Before you know it, you’ve had too much and you’re seeing things at work that your colleagues can’t see.
The best way to take truffles for microdosing is to grind the truffles into powder. The ideal dose for microdosing varies per person and depends on several factors such as:
The strength of the truffles
How your body reacts to it
Your experience
Body weight
What and how much you ate
This is a quest that you must undergo yourself. We can recommend a general amount: a microdosage is often 10% to 5% of a normal dosage. A typical microdose of dried truffles is + – 300 milligrams. If you use fresh truffles, you will need about 500 milligrams.If you have no effect or you get a tripping feeling, adjust the microdosage next time. Pay close attention to the effects, then you can find out which dosage suits you best.
Just like a mushroom trip or other psychedelic trips, the effects of magic truffles can vary greatly per person and per moment. No trip is the same! However, some effects almost always occur: changes in perception of reality or of your own thoughts, new insights, mild to strong visuals/hallucinations, more intense emotions, feelings of love, unity, a greater understanding of the world around you, universe and/or yourself and slowed or accelerated time perception. Your trip experience can be strongly influenced by the dose used, the strength of the truffles and your mindset and the environment (before, during and after the trip).
Body effect:
Experience a pleasant feeling in your body, feel as if you are moving in slow motion, relax, experience a pleasant warmth and tingling all over your body!Brain effect:
Why are we alive? What is your purpose in this world? Know the answers to all the questions you never knew the answer to. Sharpen your senses, see everything more clearly than ever before.Visual effect:
Experience the world in a different way. Experience colors more powerfully and see things you’ve never seen before.Energy effect:
Feel energetic. Not only physically but also mentally. Fly from one thought to another. You feel euphoric and invincible.According to the book Addiction by Gable, RS and Jellinek, the physical risks of psychedelic truffles are negligible. Permanent organ damage has not been reported anywhere so far and the toxicity of the active substance psilocybin is very low. It is estimated that a lethal dose is at least 1000 times the effective dose (addiction (2004), Gable RS)
The RIVM investigated the harmfulness of 19 stimulants and looked at how toxic each substance is, how addictive it is, and what the social damage is (aggression, road safety, absenteeism). Click here for the detailed report.
The risk of addiction when using truffles is nil. Due to the intense effects that occur when using truffles, they are not often used in most cases. This makes the chance of mental dependence/addiction very small. The body also gets used to truffles very quickly. After frequent use you will hardly feel the effects. However, the habit or tolerance is also quickly reduced.
If you have recently eaten a large meal, the psilocybin may take longer to work. This means there is a chance that too many truffles will be taken, because the effects have not yet been experienced. However, the effects will always occur and with a large dose these effects will be extra intense. Therefore, eat the truffles at least 2 (and preferably 4 to 6) hours after a meal. This also applies when you take magic truffle tea.